Saturday, February 11, 2012

Twins Make A Great Team

When faced with the challenge of  writer's block, I searched for help.  I asked you, my readers, for ideas.  You were no help whatsoever.  :-)  I decided to turn to my good friend Google.  And do you think Google disappointed?  Of course not.  One of the pieces of advice I found was to scour the Internet for pictures and write about them.  How they make you feel, what you think happened just before, during or after the photo was taken, etc.  Great idea!  I scoured.  

The photos were funny.  They were sad.  They were beautiful.  They were not spurring any writing.  Fail.  I had another looksie today.  Here is one that got me thinking.  Let's see if it'll get me writing.

Ok, admit it.  You're smiling aren't you?  Me too.  Many probably look at this picture and feel sad for little Miss Green Onesie Twin.  (I've declared her a girl.)  I see something different. Partners in crime.  A kick-ass team of sorts.  I see a little girl who, although on board with the plan to make a break for it through the doggy door, was unsure about how bright of an idea it was.  I see a little boy who assured her that he had everything under control.  I picture this boy giving his twin sister a huge 4-tooth grin after he succeeds in getting her through the door. He takes a quick look over his shoulder to make sure he's still in the clear, and then manages to squeeze his adorable chubby thighs through that same doggy door.  Freedom!  I can imagine the pure elation those cuties must have felt realizing that their escape plan worked.  I also imagine the looks on their faces when they realize....


 More proof that twins make a great team:

So...I suppose you could say the plan worked!  I am writing.  My hope is that this strategy will open up the flood gates and I will have loads of fantastic writing in store for me.  But just in case I run short again, I will always have this picture to write about...

Oh. My. Goodness. :-)


  1. I love your blog for so many reasons.

  2. I'm a bit late in reading up lately but this post had me laughing loudly in my office. I love the commentary on the pictures. And that last one is AWESOME! Mama must be so proud.


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