Monday, December 19, 2011

Happy Birthday, Blog!

One year ago today, Love Makes A Family was born.

One year.

Look at what can happen in just a year's time!

I never, EVER expected this blog to be what it has become.

First, it makes me so happy to know that the journey that we took to bring
Milena and Gustavo into this world is documented.
I hope that one day they will read this.
And that they will be able to see how much love there was,
from so many people,
even before they ever took their first breath.

I also never expected to meet so many people as a result of the blog!
Great friendships have been formed!
A huge support system has been built!

Finally, a writer has been born!
I love writing for this blog!
It is fun!  It is therapeutic!  It's challenging and rewarding at the same time!

Who knew?
Who knew how much my life would change?

Just because of a little ol' blog.


  1. Happy Birthday, little Blog. We're happy to have ya!!

  2. Happy Birthday blog! And thank you Jeni for being such a supportive part of the surro community. I haven't been around long but I always see you commenting on everyone elses blogs and you are always just so awesome :)

  3. Awww...Happy Birthday Ling Lost Blog.

    I'm spoon happy to have found ya!!

    Man, people probably think I'm hella weird, huh?

  4. I had to comment cuz Jesse is hilarious!
    Happy b-day blog, I've enjoyed reading you and will continue to do so! :)


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