Tuesday, May 24, 2011

First OB Appointment

Tomorrow is our first appointment with my OB!  Hooray!  I really liked our RE and our monitoring clinic, but moving on to my OB is a milestone for this pregnancy!  I'm excited to get to know all of the Doctors/Nurses, knowing that these will be the people we will be seeing from now until we deliver!  No more Musical Docs for us!

My appointment is about 2 hours long!!  They need to do blood work, all of my initial measurements and paperwork, and they are going to do the FNT ultrasound too!  I am looking forward to seeing these kiddos again, and praying that they are flourishing in there!  I will of course be sure to let you all know how everything went!

FNT Ultrasound Info

In other news...surely you haven't forgotten that we are almost done with the meds!!  :)  Tomorrow will be my last dose of the Jelly Belly's, and Thursday will be my last Progesterone injection!!  Woo Hoo!!!!  Have you all decided  how you'll celebrate this momentous occasion?  Lol!

P.S.  Did you see our baby ticker???? Less than 200 days!  Yay!

1 comment:

  1. Woo hoo!! No more shots is definitely a momentus occasion! :-)


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